This provides only a general overview of the student organization conduct process. For more details, please refer to the Code of Student Conduct, which governs the conduct process. Portions of this process may not apply to situations involving sexual misconduct allegations.

All official summons and notices will be emailed to the alleged/sanctioned student’s UA email account. Failure to meet Office of Student Conduct (OSC) response deadlines and/or sanction deadlines will result in a hold being placed on the alleged/sanctioned student’s account. Deadlines are calculated in accordance with Code of Student Conduct, Article III.(I.)1.: Computing Time.

Student Organization Reporting Form

Initial Stages/Investigation

Report Received

Report received and preliminary investigation may occur.

If the initial report is made to UAPD and a criminal investigation is being conducted, OSC will coordinate with law enforcement before taking action to ensure that nothing is done to jeopardize the criminal investigation.

This approach is similar to one that UA uses for Title IX matters. In those situations, any report or concern is immediately shared with Title IX and Title IX takes over. The same is true for child protection matters where concerns about abuse or neglect are immediately reported to UAPD and the reporter has no further responsibilities unless called upon after making the report to UAPD. For example, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (OFSL) may receive a report. That allegation would be immediately reported to OSC. Thereafter, OFSL would stand down and allow OSC to take the lead on investigating the report. It is likely that OSC will coordinate with OFSL to assist with aspects of an investigation, but, for the sake of consistency and efficiency, OSC will lead the investigation.

See Preliminary Investigation Process, understanding that each situation is unique and OSC has the discretion to deviate from this approach if needed.

Written Summons

Written summons letter scheduling initial meeting.

Written notice is provided by OSC and will include:

  • Notice that OSC has begun/will begin investigation
  • Brief description of the allegations and Code of Student Conduct at issue
  • Notice of Student Organization Rights
  • Date/time/location of the Initial Conduct Meeting
  • Consequences for failure to comply
  • Link to the Code of Student Conduct
  • Administrative Liaison, Organization Advisor(s) and Inter/Organization Representatives copied on the letter

Initial Investigation Meeting

An investigative meeting is between OSC and the student organization representative.

  • OSC informs the representative of the alleged violations and student organization rights
  • Verbally shares the allegations and Code of Student Conduct at issue
  • The Student Organization Representative has an opportunity to respond to the allegations, present information, and identify witnesses
  • Both OSC and Student Representative may ask and seek clarifying information
  • The Administrative Liaison attends the Initial Meeting
  • Advisors and/or Inter/National Organization are permitted and encouraged to attend
  • OSC may issue a finding of Responsible or Not Responsible, or continue the investigation


Investigation length may vary depending on alleged violation and/or if Inter/National Organization is partnering with the University’s investigation.




Sufficient evidence to support a finding of responsible:
OSC presents student organization with Procedural Options

Not Sufficient

Not sufficient evidence to support a finding of responsible:
No-action determined

(Conduct Process Ends)

Procedural Options

Option A

Student Representative may accept responsibility for the alleged Code violation(s)

Option B

Student Representative may request a formal letter outlining the findings and final sanctions before deciding how to proceed

Option C

Student Representative may immediately ask for a hearing on the alleged Code violation(s)

OSC Letter

OSC issues a letter outlining findings, sanctions, sanction deadlines, processes, and deadlines for appeal.