A preliminary investigation may occur as part of the Student Organization Conduct Process. Understand that each situation is unique and OSC has the discretion to deviate from this approach if needed.

Report Received

The amount of information received and type of allegations will determine which steps are taken next.

Little Information

(Anonymous) report received with vague or little to no information.

Follow up with reporter

No Allegations

(Anonymous) report received with some specific information, but NO allegations of physical violence and/or forced alcohol consumption.

Follow up with reporter, Notification, and/or Summons letter

Specific Allegations

(Anonymous) report received with specific allegations of physical violence and/or forced alcohol consumption.

Summons letter

Follow up with Reporter

Additional information received

Determination made that there is sufficient evidence to move forward

Summons letter

No additional information

Determination made that there is insufficient evidence to move forward

(End of Conduct Process)


Notify organization president, advisor, and/or NHQ of allegation and may request action, including but not limited to:

  • Review of video footage
  • Interview new members
  • Discussions with chapter leadership
  • Inquire as to whether or not NHQ has received similar reports

OSC will conduct an immediate initial inquiry into the allegations. This may include, among other things, surveying the new members, discussions with advisors and/or officers, etc. Reasonable efforts will be made to complete this within the first 24-48 hours of receipt of the allegations and imposition of the interim measures.

Summons Letter

Notification of allegation(s) and summons letter sent to meet with the Office of Student Conduct (OSC), depending on findings.

OSC will notify by copying the Advisor and Inter/National Organization of any alleged misconduct on the summons letter.

Interim Measures

If there is dangerous misconduct and/or death/injury, the Dean of Students may impose interim measures for the organization while University Investigation and Adjudication proceeds.

Depending on the outcome of the initial inquiry, the interim measures may be maintained, lifted, or modified (increased/decreased). If the national headquarters also imposes interim measures, the stronger/more expansive restrictions placed on the group will control. Thereafter, OSC completes its investigation into the allegations and makes a finding, which can include consideration of information from the organization and national headquarters.